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Our Mission:

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Would roses do it?

Once the Thanksgiving turkey was put away, I did what I suppose many of us did. I looked through the ads and began to create a list of the people I would shop for and the things they might like. The next morning I set out to find the perfect gifts. While I didn't find everything I was looking for, I did have fun and got some great ideas.

But the best idea had nothing to do with shopping. It had to do with stopping.

As I made my way through a crowded mall, I was literally stopped in my tracks by the sight of a small girl kissing the hands of her grandma as they sat resting on a bench. The love I witnessed from that little girl to her grandma practically burst my heart open.

In that moment of one-pointed attention, I realized I might be better served by creating a STOPPING LIST - a list of those things which are important to me that bring me to a state of present moment awareness.

So that’s what I did. I stopped at the nearest coffee shop and wrote down everything I wish to be fully present for, from the kindness of strangers to the silent cry for help from a friend.

I now carry that list with me and will add to it as my awareness grows. I can honestly say it has already changed my life.

What would you stop for?

May your holidays be filled with present moments.
Rob Gruber - Co-Active Life Coach